For some, I know this is a derogatory term because it is also commonly known as 'Old Maid'. This might cause some to even pity the spinster as she is both old and still a maid (allegedly). Wikipedia has a good article on the history of spinster. Personally, I don't see a need to belabor definitions and uses of the word because I don't adhere to them. Or rather, I'm not afraid of those definitions or uses because they don't scare or offend me even though I'm told that they should.
It's not an effort on my part to try to be 'counter culture' or 'rebellious'. I guess I've just never been smart enough to be frightened by what it would mean to be in my forties and never married. At different points in my life I have thought about marriage and children. There have been times that I've wanted one but not the other, neither, or both. Seems the children one is falling by the wayside and THAT'S OKAY! I have one friend who has told me on numerous occasions that my life is will never be fulfilled if I don't have children. I have tried to respectfully disagree. She hasn't let up, so I now very disrespectfully disagree with her.