Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Technology: The Enhancer of Our Lives

Last week was a little hectic, so I wasn't around here.  Hectic in a good way, I think.  There was some emotions and feelings shared.  That's always good, right?

Yesterday was bonkers.  If I would have had technology close at hand, I would have ranted and raved all over the place.  I awoke to an email from my boss asking him to resend my yearly review.  Okay.  Groggily, I waded through 'My Documents'...  Uhm.  Frantically, I searched my 'Sent Mail' box knowing it was fruitless since I'd cleaned that out last week.  Then I went to the flash drive.

Sunofa!  I had to redo that (not fun).  Then I had to do the two other things I should have done Friday afternoon but told myself I'd do on Sunday.  After that, a couple of work related errands and then I hit the road.  When I tossed my bags on the couch in my very sweet hotel room, I moaned a little because I knew that my evening would be spent finishing more data entry.  At least the surroundings were nice.

I opened up my bag and ... no power cord.  WTF.  I have two power cords.  One that is continuously plugged in at home so I only have to unplug and go.  The other is in my bag for travelling.  Sunofa.  Not anymore, I guess.  So what did I do?  I bit the bullet and went to Best Buy.  Yeah.  Twice in two weeks when it has been a spell of more than a decade.

I found an adapter, the guys at the customer service station (or customer torture station) said it would definitely work with my model of laptop.  I was dubious, but then they're the geeks, right?  The geeks were wrong.  Gah.  I contacted my company's technical support.  I was given two options:

1.  We can overnight a cord to you -- do you have enough battery until tomorrow afternoon?  Negatory.  You've seen the piece of crap that's been issued to me.
2.  Then your other option is to swing by home and get your cord.  Also negatory, I am three hours from home.  I know I mentioned that in the initial email.

I called RLF.  Sure I could use her laptop for two days!

This dovetailed nicely into my babysitting Bubby and his sister for an hour and a half.  I will tell you this ... That baby LOVES me.  LOVES me.  He could not get enough cuddles.  I also know that, if he could talk, he would tell me my cuddles are way better than his grandma's.  I love him a lot, too.

I also verified, once again, that she is doing nothing for his birthday party -- and I am doing stuff.  Move over Gramma or risk getting run over by a Spinster.

The moral of the story?  Technology definitely enhances our lives.  If I hadn't forgotten that cord, I would have been holed up all night drinking Diet Coke and getting a headache from the glare of the screen.  If the geeks had been correct, I could not have reveled in Bubby Snuggles.

Technology will have also led to the pleasure I will feel when telling the geeks they were wrong when I return that adapter tonight. ;)

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